13 Aug CBT Boot Camp
Course Content
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is considered the gold standard in psychotherapy. With over 500 randomized controlled clinical trials CBT has been shown to be a highly effective, and for some symptom sets, the most effective form of treatment available to the mental health community. With over 20 specific cognitive models, the modality has significantly evolved since it’s origination.
Join international CBT expert Dr. Jeff Riggenbach for this chock-full conference on all the latest. Gain a more in-depth understanding of the traditional model as well as newer adaptations of the approach. Develop the ability to conceptualize cases in a way that you can create individualized roadmaps to recovery for each client. Gain an understanding of the latest research, clinical strategies, and best practice methods for helping even your most difficult clients struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, substance use disorders and personality related issues. Most importantly, leave with practical tools you can implement to help your clients the very next day.
1.) Develop a comprehensive understanding of the cognitive model of treatment
2.) Emphasize the role of focus & attentional bias in symptom maintenance
3.) Learn socialization strategies that create client buy in
4.) Utilize cognitive restructuring technics for automatic thoughts conditional assumptions and Core beliefs
5.) Understand The role of case conceptualization and driving treatment for positive outcomes
6.) Obtain CBT skills for treating long standing depression
7.) Develop in-depth understanding of the cognitive model of anxiety in gain insight to specific anxiety related symptom sets
8.) Acquire assessment skills for discerning personality pathology from other mental health symptoms
9.) Utilize behavioral pattern breaking techniques to interrupt lifelong cycles of addictive and other destructive behaviors
10.) Learn schema modification techniques to help your clients achieve long lasting personality change
Dr Jeff Riggenbach is one of the most sought-after trainers in North America in the area of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and personality functioning. Jeff has devoted the last 17 years of his life to working with clients with various kinds of complex needs. He has developed and overseen Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder treatment programs at two different psychiatric hospitals serving over 3000 clients at multiple levels of care. Dr Riggenbach did post-doctoral training at the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia, is a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and has presented in all 50 United States, Mexico, and Canada on topics related to CBT, DBT, and Schema Focused Therapy and Personality Dysfunction. He is on faculty of educational institutes in the US, Canada, Australia, and South Africa.
Dr Riggenbach has authored three books. His best-seller, The CBT Toolbox: A Workbook for Clients and Clinicians, was recently named one of the 30 best self- help books for depression. His recently published BPD Toolbox: A Practical Evidence-Based Guide to Regulating Intense Emotions won two Benjamin Franklin awards for being among the best books in the categories of psychology and self-help. His third book, The Personality Disorder Toolbox, was released in November 2018. Jeff is known for bridging the gap between academia, research findings and day-to-day practical application and his seminars receive the highest evaluations in terms of quality of information as well as entertainment value.
This online workshop with Dr Jeff Riggenbach will give you instant access to 15+ hours of video content, accessible via streaming on our website, as well as downloads for PowerPoint slides, references and additional course materials. You can view the course content in your own time, there is no time limit on access.
A certificate of completion will be generated upon finishing the course and completing a short evaluation quiz. Please consult your professional organisation/association to confirm whether you are able to claim any CPD points/hours for this online workshop.